it is holidays :)

christmas tree

welcome to my evil abode. i'm evil btw.

my name is cyrus but i also go by doompy . this is my website which i have crafted with my grubulous little fingies. if it sucks balls, sorry. also if you view this on your phone you're probably not gonna have a pleasant experience. for now at least.

i am a canadian bisexual transgender autistic man who likes to create and draw and listen to music and watch cartoons and play touys and games. i am currently really, really into lego.
i have four boyfriends, none of which are real, and all of which i am madly in love with.
i am a weird little freak and i'm crawling towards you at high speeds .

feel free to look around and click some buttons n' stuff. you can also just hang out here and listen to some tunes i like on the winamp thingy if you want.

stuff i'm a big fan of:

  • lego city adventures
  • homestar runner
  • lego city: undercover
  • the adventures of clutch powers
  • lego exo-force
  • minecraft